
On the eternal quest to improve...

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I guess now's as good a time as any to introduce myself~~

I'm a Scottish student of Japanese who came back recently from a year of studying in Tokyo and is filling the gaps in which he should be studying by virtually relentless amounts of Osu'ing. 4th year is coming up in 2 weeks or so, but I'm taking it easy. Too easy. Except for the frustration that comes with missing at the same part every time on one song...and I can't do long spinners with my right hand no matter how hard I try >.< In fact, maybe it's more stressful to be playing Osu than studying XD;;

Anyway, as my profile states, I'm an avid lover of Touhou, survival horror (particularly Project Zero/Fatal Frame series), and general otakudom. I really enjoy studying kanji and doing Japanese to English translation - more about the written aspect than speaking, cause I'm awful at speaking. So, if you'd like any help with translating things, I'd be happy to help!

Edit: Just saw the 日本語 thread, so I guess that makes the help redundant! XD;;

Download: J.D. Camaro - Three Minutes Clapping (Death_the_kid) [Collab].osu
Touhou <3

Welcome to the Osu! Hotel!
Your username sounds awesome.

Have fun in the community. =D

Pokebis wrote:

Welcome to the Osu! Hotel!
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