
Komatsu Rika - My Sweet Heart (TV Size) [Taiko|Osu]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, November 08, 2012 at 3:46:03 PM

Artist: Komatsu Rika
Title: My Sweet Heart (TV Size)
Source: Tokyo Mew Mew
Tags: opening cat neko shikyu Sun Rainbow Sun_Rainbow tutuhaha
BPM: 157.04
Filesize: 15319kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Boss Sweet Taiko (4.83 stars, 452 notes)
  2. Hard (4.89 stars, 254 notes)
  3. Normal (4.15 stars, 156 notes)
  4. Rainbow's Easy (2.22 stars, 92 notes)
  5. TuInsane (5 stars, 249 notes)
Download: Komatsu Rika - My Sweet Heart (TV Size)
Download: Komatsu Rika - My Sweet Heart (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Tokyo Mew Mew opening song >w< so moe~~

Re-Download if you downloaded this before 10/8 !


You can download The Taiko diffs here:
Can i make a easy? Is fine if i can't :D
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no Sorry > </ Just taking Taiko diff atm
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orz double posts ;_;
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ok then added and off to pending :3
R e v i v e
Hi -Sekai- :)

From my modding queue,,,

Rainbow's Easy

00:25:562 (4) - Add finish.
00:45:429 (1) - Add finish at reverse arrow.
01:17:520 (3) - Add finish start of slider.


00:04:168 (1) - Remove finish. (I think finish every 16 beat it better than 8 beat >3)
00:10:281 (2) - ^
00:19:068 (4) - Add finish at tail slider.
00:31:675 (1) - Finish.
00:36:260 (3,4,5) - Maybe arrange this note like this ?

00:43:900 (7) - Add finish at head slider.
00:58:800 (7) - Add finish at tail slider.


00:03:786 (3) - Same Normal reason.
00:10:281 (1) - ^
00:19:450 (7) - Add finish at head slider.
00:22:506 (9) - Remove finish.
00:28:237 (3) - ^
00:34:731 (5) - ^
00:43:900 (5) - Add finish at head slider.
00:46:002 (8) - Add finish.
00:46:957 (3) - Remove finish.
00:48:485 (8) - Add finish.
00:59:182 (4) - Add finish at head slider.
01:12:363 (3) - Move to left a bit like this ?

01:17:520 (1) - Add finish.
01:22:869 (6,1) - Make (6) like star, then (1) spacing ?


00:19:450 (1) - Add finish at head slider.
00:31:675 (1) - Add finish.
00:46:002 (4) - ^

Sorry about most finish sound modded >.<

Other fine ~ ,I think...
Topic Starter
Thanks for checking my map >w<
Mod 4 Mod in return... Here's what I've found:


--> The HP Drain Rate is too high for easy. Reduce it to 2 or lower.
--> The Overall Difficulty is also a bit high. Reduce it to 2 or lower.
00:28:619 (3) - Move the slder end away from slider 2 so they don't touch each other.

--> Looks fine to me.

--> I like how your combo colors matches with the video. Unique way to use combo colors.
--> Reduce the approch rate to 7. it's too high for Hard difficulty.
-->The Overall Difficulty looks a bit high as well. Reduce it to 6?

--> Looks fine to me. Nothing found here.

I suck at modding orz, but it's the only way to get better. Good Luck Sekai-Chan. :D
Hi, from my modding queue

BeatofIke wrote:

--> I like how your combo colors matches with the video. Unique way to use combo colors.
It's absolutely true ^^

I didn't find anything wrong, sorry

Very good beatmap, good job :3

Good luck with rankings ^^
Here is my mod from Palinus - Gyuunyu Duo Modding Queue


The bitrate for on mp3 is 255kbps and it's unrankable, you must find a new mp3 >.< ( maximum bitrate 192kbps if you didn't know)

[Rainbow's Easy]

*lower the hp drain + OD ( i do see that in other mods to )

00:32:439 - add note. imo i feels better and have more flow
00:53:069 (1) - add finish on the head of the slider


Looks good!


*lower the hp drain and OD just abit

00:06:269 (7) - remove and make a stream insted


Looks good!

I hope this mod helped

Good luck with your map ~
Thank you for request \(^^)/


Different Kiai-Times, fix that >.<

Rainbow's Easy

01:17:520 (3) - stack correctly under 01:15:992 (5)


00:50:777 (1,1,1) - lower the volume like this
01:25:925 (1) - start slider at 01:26:689, fits better to the song


00:50:777 (1,1,1) - same like i wrote to Normal ^^
01:20:577 (4) - NC and remove NC at 01:21:341 (1)
01:26:116 (1) - ^

Nice to see that someone is mapping this song <3
Good luck and take this star :D
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Thank you guys for modding my map :3 fixed some stuff~
from my queue \:D/
hello sekai-san ~

  1. the bg seems lq
[Sun's Easy]
slider shape, circle placement
  1. 00:11:045: too close from note 3 on 00:09:899 , consider to move it ~
  2. 00:28:619: how about make them like this
  3. 00:57:654: how about move this to x304 y252 to make them neat?
  4. 01:17:520: move this to x272 y240 to make it behind note 5 on 01:15:992 ?
  1. 00:25:562: add finish?
  2. 00:45:429: add finish on the slider reverse?
  1. 01:25:925: i think move the spinner to 01:26:689 because the song start at there
  1. 01:26:116: same as normal issue
  1. 00:46:957: add finish on the slider head?
  2. 00:47:530: ^
thats all I can find, nice mapset ^w^
I like tokyo mew mew too haha good luck ! ~
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Thanks :3 fixed the spinner stuff and added a note/slider~
I remember this lovely song :3

* Your mp3 bitrate is 255kbps. You must to re-encode it to 128kbps ~ 192kbps

[Rainbow's Easy]
00:14:101 (1) - Overlapped by hitbursts from spinner. It can be hidden for beginners (sometimes, beginners are slow to read object)
00:28:619 (3) - Make a slider like this to make a better blanket combo?
00:50:777 (1) - Same issue as 00:14:101 (1)
01:14:464 (4) - The head slider is overlapped by sliderpath, makes hiddenf for beginners

* AR +1?

00:30:147 (1) - Remove new combo for your combo pattern

00:05:123 (3) - Move the 2nd sliderpoint to 1 grid up for make a pattern looks neat? (Nazi)
00:17:539 (1) - Why new combo?
00:24:416 (1) - ^
01:26:116 (1) - I think it make sense if this spinner start at 01:26:689

00:31:675 (1) - Add finish
00:35:495 (5,6) - Replace this into a slider for better flow?

What a memoriable song~ I watch this anime in 2007....
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>< Thanks Leo for mod but my combo are moved with the video~
Halloww ~
You requested from my queue ~
Ohhmaigawdd, I remember this anime ~ >w<

- Your mp3 bitrate should be 128kbps - 192kbps
- Make all diffs end at the same time ~

[Rainbow's Easy]
- HP Drain Rate -1
- Approach Rate -1
00:16:393 (3) - Place where (1) was placed.
01:17:520 (3) - Stack properly ~

00:30:147 (1) - Why pink combo color? owo ~

- Approach Rate -1

Well mapped ~
Sorry to my poor mod. ;w;
Good luck and star ~ >w<
02:11 -Sekai-: : Popner o.o
02:12 popner: : hi Sekai
02:12 -Sekai-: : hmm~ i want to ask you
02:12 -Sekai-: : can you check the timing on my map
02:12 -Sekai-: : o:
02:12 popner: : yep
02:12 *-Sekai- is editing (Komatsu Rika - My Sweet Heart (TV Size))[]
02:12 -Sekai-: : i just changed mp3 so idk about it now
02:14 popner: : I'm under bad network now. it may take a few minites for me to DL
02:15 -Sekai-: : o.o oh it's fine
02:21 popner: : offset is fine
02:21 -Sekai-: : o.o really?
02:22 popner: : BPM 157.04 is better imo
02:23 -Sekai-: : o.o why 4 i think it'll be the same with 5
02:23 popner: : a little different at the end
02:24 -Sekai-: : oh i see now ><
02:24 -Sekai-: : yes it's good
02:24 -Sekai-: : btw you can post this log so i can kd you ><
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Thanks popner for your timing check~ now fixed everything and changed mp3~
Yo Sekai! \o/

  • [Rainbow's Easy]
  1. 00:28:707 (3) - Looks weird because it touches the slider (2), and for a better blanket.Move the dots like this? much better for me
  2. 01:06:911 (3) - Move the last dot of this slider by 2 grids up
  3. 01:17:608 (3) - How about stacking this at 01:16:080 (5)?
  4. 00:16:481 (3) - 1 grid down with this note so it will stack with note (1)
  • [Normal]
  1. 00:21:067 (4) - Move this slider 1 grid up so it will align in note (2)
  2. 00:24:888 (4) - Align this with the previous slider? like this (If you follow this suggestion fix the spacing of the next notes)

  • [Hard]
  1. Good diff!! :)

  • [Insane]
  1. 00:53:161 (1) - The end of this slider is unsanapped

Overall Nice map!!

Goodluck with the rankings :)

00:22:213 (7) - end add finish
00:28:708 (1) - add finish
00:34:822 (1) - ^
00:40:935 (7) - ^
00:44:755 (1) - ^
00:45:519 (3) - ^
00:46:284 (4) - ^
00:47:812 (2) - ^
00:51:633 (1,1) - why nc
00:56:217 (1) - finish
01:01:948 (6) - end add finish
01:08:444 (2) - finish
01:14:557 (2) - ^
01:17:613 (1,1) - remove nc
01:23:726 (1) - finish

00:12:662 (4) - remove whistle add finish
00:22:595 (9) - finish
00:28:326 (3) - end add finish
00:34:822 (5) - finish
00:40:553 (6) - end add finish
00:56:217 (1) - finish
00:47:048 (3) - ^
00:56:217 (1) - ^
01:08:444 (1) - ^
01:14:175 (9) - end add finish
01:24:681 (2) - remove to 01:24:872
01:25:828 (2) - remove to 01:26:019
01:26:019 (3) - remove to 01:26:210

00:11:897 (1) - 开头和结尾都加finish 其实这个用2个note跳更好的感觉
00:12:279 (2) - 结尾whistle
00:47:048 (1) - 开头finish
00:47:621 (2) - ^
00:53:161 (1) - 跳一下 o.o
00:56:217 (1) - finish
01:02:330 (1) - ^
01:08:444 (1) - ^
01:14:557 (1) - ^
01:23:726 (1) - ^
01:27:165 - 为什么静音的绿线在这里 移到开头或者结尾

good luck
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Thanks Gen and Beren >w< for checking my map fixed most of those~
As a said in my queue, Please respond to my bold OR colored mods if you didnt fixed it 'o'
from haha's random modding queue ^~^

01:09:017 (2) - why not just ctrl+JH previous (1)?

00:08:841 (6,7,8,9) - try this, I think it feels little weird now ;w;
00:24:888 (3,4,5) - use (4)'s circle to make sure they perfectly encircle each other, like
00:47:048 (3,4,5) - this shape isn't pretty I think >.>
01:12:646 (4,5,6) - this is better in my opinion :O

00:04:256 (1,2,3,4,5) - 'o'?
00:32:911 (4) - 'o'
00:37:114 (5) - move curving points a little bit to encircle previous (4) better 'o'/
00:48:576 (4) - not a problem, but you can try using Ctrl+J if you want to make sure that this is completely symmetrical!

00:11:133 (2) - to x:308, y:264 because of how it looks =w=
00:17:245 (4) - you can try using approach circle of (5) to make sure it's perfect encircle like , but you can ignore this anyways :D
00:22:212 (3) - to x:376 y:104
01:14:170 (3,4) - looks little weird i think, try this :)
01:16:844 (1,2,3) - adjust this little bit so (3) can stack to previous (5)

nice map! :) good luck !

EDIT : you better take this star >~<
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Thanks haha >w< fixed most of those~
As I said on PM yesterday, here's my guest diff and bg~

Hi, Sekai

M4M request

Red = Unrankable
Biue = You should modified
Black = My suggestion


  1. The end of Kiai #1 is different. Please fix it (or them).

Rainbow's Easy

  1. 00:23:740 - 01:26:777 Unsnapped. Please resnap all notes.
  2. 00:05:020 (2) - Add whistle in slider begin?
  3. 00:19:156 (5,6) - Don't stack it. Because in Easy diff, it may make to the new players are surprise.
  4. 00:25:650 (4) - Use finish instead of using whistle. But may be necessary to reduce the volume about 50%.
  5. 01:16:080 (5,3) - Stack it.
  6. 01:26:738 (1) - Spinner end at 01:29:266 (Same like Hard diff, because I really like putting spinner of the Hard diff.)


  1. 01:26:738 (1) - Spinner end at 01:29:266 (Same like Hard diff, because I really like putting spinner of the Hard diff.)


  1. Good diff


  1. 01:26:738 (1) - Spinner end at 01:29:266 (Same like Hard diff, because I really like putting spinner of the Hard diff.)

That's all that I can find them. (If my mod is useless, don't give a kd.)
nice map, give a star ;)

Good luck~
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Thanks nich >w< fixed some stuff and added taiko muzu~ :3
Hitsounds are way too repetitive for the most part (whistles every other beat and not much else). Add some claps or mix things up a little. Also consider making some of it sound normal instead of soft, especially the chorus.

00:34:057 (6): Move the right end down just a smidge to make it symmetrical.
00:59:274 (5): Move this up a little to match it horizontally with 4. It'll look neater.
01:10:354 (6): Make this symmetrical too.

00:39:406 (4): Move up a little to match horizontally with 3.

Hard and Insane are fine, but honestly I see very little difference in difficulty between them, which should be addressed.
Hi Moekai <3~, here my mod.

Rainbow's Easy:

00:14:190 (1): I suggest to move this note to other part of screen because it's covered with the score of the spinner and maybe it can be confusing.
00:27:562 (2): Try this, sounds better imo.
00:32:911 (4): Add NC.
00:43:911 (4) ^
00:45:519 (1): Remove NC.
00:50:868 (1): Same as 00:14:190.
00:53:161 (1): Add Finish.
00:54:689 (2): Maybe move it to x:256 y:176?, gives it more flow. (If you do this remember to fix the spacing with the next notes.
01:06:915 (3): Make it symmetric like this ?
01:17:613 (3): Move 1 grid to left, so it will be stacked with 01:16:085 (5)
01:23:726 (3): Music changes a bit here so you can add New Combo though the previous one would be with two beats.
01:26:783: Extend it to 01:29:457.


00:06:931: Add a note, this feels empty and there is a sound in the music here.
00:27:562 (4): Make this slider like this ?, seems better.
00:28:708 (1,2,3): This three notes here feels really unnecesary, you can try to replace them with a 1/1 slider.
00:40:935 (7): Try this ?, fits nice with vocal.
00:51:633 (1,1): Remove these NC, there are not necessary D:
01:08:061 (1): Remove NC due you still can hear vocal here.
01:08:444 (2): NC should be here.
01:16:849 (1,1,1): This feels bored, remove New combos, try making three 1/1 sliders instead and remove Finishes too or lower volume a little here, because they sounds really loud.
01:21:052 (5): NC.
01:21:434 (1): Remove NC.
01:26:019 (5): Like this ?
01:26:783: Extend it to 01:29:457.


AR-1, 8 seems fast for a Hard.

00:11:324: Add a note, fits nice with the music.
00:28:231 (2): Remove note, feels unnecesary.
00:36:350 (3,4,5): It feels like this notes aren't following anything, so you can try this instead.
00:50:868 (1,1,1,1,1): Remove these New Combos and try this pattern. (If you can't see very well, 5 is stacked with 1)
01:16:849 (1,1,1): Remove New Combos and try three 1/1 sliders instead, because this feels too empty.
01:20:288 (3,4,5,6): This sounds bad and doesn't fit with music, try this. (If you do it, NC should be in 4)
01:25:063 (1,2,1,2,3): Again, this doesn't fit, try this.
01:26:783: Extend it to 01:29:457.


00:06:548 (3,4): Sometimes spacing changes like this in the same combo can be hard to read, so I suggest you to move this with 1,0x spacing, like previous notes.
00:07:313 (5): NC.
00:09:987 (4): Try this ?, gives it more flow imo.
00:48:385: Add a note here and move spinner to 00:48:576.
01:00:038 (5): Due to vocal you can add NC here, fits very well. (If you do it, remove NC on 01:00:611)
01:26:878: Extend it to 01:29:457.

That's all. Good luck :3
Topic Starter
fix some of those ~ but the NC are moved with the video so no changes on those~

But thanks for modding :3

I change red timing section's offset , but it didn't change anything :3
you should use my offset on other difficulties~
and I add some tags too
Good Luck :3
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ -Sekai- ~ :)

Mod time for my Random Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Should be fixed
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Add 'Cat,Neko' in tags.


  1. 00:53:161 (1) - Slider end point on 1/8 tick is no sense here,pls change to white tick.


  1. AR-1 much better with play.
  2. 00:10:943 (2,3,1) - Try like this rhythm,following the instrumental.
  3. 00:51:251 (1) - Remove this circle,over imo.


  1. OD+1.
  2. 01:13:029 (3,4,5,1) - Exchange rhythm,01:13:029 - 1/1 slider should first here.

[Rainbow's Easy]

  1. AR-1 much better with play.
  2. 00:25:652 - Remove whistle and Add finish.
  3. 00:53:161 - ^

That's all ~ Hope this can help you ~

Good luck with rank ~
Topic Starter
Sorry Rika nothing to fix in my dffs, but added the tags and updated Rainbow's Easy~ >.<
Hi Sekai and others :)

  1. Inconsitencies at offset. Also, Offset besides easy is very off. And i got offset 1112. I got better acc with that.
  2. Combo color 3 and 7 are very similar. Just delete one of those.
Rainbow's Easy
  1. What? So many unsnapped circle and slider, snap it please D:
  2. 00:01:200 (1) - I think you could add a finish at this slider start to cover up the start point of the song with more epic feeling.
  3. 00:07:312 (1) - ^
  4. 00:32:145 (3) - This supposed to be new combo since it's the new beginning of vocal and stanza
  5. 00:32:529 (2) - I feel this section is empty without a whistle, i think you can add a whistle here to make whistle more consistant.
  6. 00:38:451 (2) - I think you should start this slider 1/2 earlier but end at the same spot since the vocal and the beat is on around that time.
  7. 00:43:988 (4,1) - I think combo placement is wrong, the new combo should be on 4 instead of 1, so switch it. Also, you can put a finish at slider start 1 since it cover the cymbal sounds.
  8. 00:47:045 (4) - You can also add another finish here at the start.
  9. 00:51:629 (2) - You can add a whistle here too at slider end to cover 'time' vocal.
  10. 00:53:157 (1) - I think you can add a whistle at this slider repeat since the gap between whistle is not so good to hear.
  11. 00:54:686 (2) - ^
  12. 00:57:742 (3,4,5) - Hmm, i think you should rearrange the pattern of this note. Current pattern seems random to me. You can rearrange the pattern like this > or with your more good pattern.
  13. 01:14:552 (4) - Overlapping like this is not good for the easiest diff. Create another patten that not overlap please. Also, i think the repeat is not end at the properly spot. It's not synchronized properly with your previous note. To handle this you can delete this circle 01:16:080 (5) - then extend 4 repeat until the repeat reach 01:15:321- position. After that you can add whistles at both the repeat and the end.
  14. 01:18:372 (4) - Same, this slider is covered by many combo hitburst and can confuse most of the beginner. Please make another pattern.
  15. 01:23:721 (3) - The combo is quite long, i think you can add a new combo here.
  16. 01:28:693- Add another green timing section here with 5% volume to silent the spinner end.
  1. 00:06:851 (6) - Please add a whistle at this circle. It seems you forgot to put whistle thus making the whistle pattern inconsistent.
  2. 00:08:761 (4) - Remove the whistle from the start point of this slider. Breaking consistencies of your whistle rythim and making it sounds bad to hear.
  3. 00:09:525 (1) - Orz, same here switch whistle from start point to end point. Also, new combo should be on 00:10:289 (2) - not here.
  4. 00:16:402 (6,1) - The new combo should be on slider 6, not 1. Switch it.
  5. 00:37:034 (5) - Add whistle here at the end point. Sudden gap between whistle is not good.
  6. 00:40:855 (7,1) - Switch combo here.
  7. 00:45:439 (3) - Same as easy, you can create more epic feeling to player by adding another finish here at slider start.
  8. 00:46:586 (5) - ^ but at slider end.
  9. 00:50:788 (1,1,1) - Better to change the finish into whistle. Finish seems overloud.
  10. 01:28:693- Add another green timing section here with 5% volume to silent the spinner end.
  11. Hmm, the note seems just follow basic 1/1 rythim. In your next map don't just follow the steady beat of the song. Try mixing vocal and steady beat of the song to create more interesting rythim.
shikyu's Taiko Muzukashii
  1. Althought i can't mod taiko, but i notice some point of this taiko is not good to hear and inconsistant. I said it need further mod.
Boss Sweet Taiko
  1. Hmm, this taiko is quite good and consistent. Well, a few more mod of this taiko will not hurt. :)
  1. 00:11:236- Add a circle here to follow the piano better.
  2. 00:27:092 (5) - The finish from previous rythim dissapear here. I suggest make it consistant.So, add a finish here at slider start.
  3. 00:28:238 (3) - ^ but at slider end.
  4. 00:34:734 (5) - ^ at slider start
  5. 00:41:802 (3) - It seems you follow the vocal here at 00:41:229 (1,2) - so this note is overmapped imo. If it's not then make 00:41:229 (1) - a slider that end at 00:41:420- to make the beat more consistant.
  6. 00:45:240 (5) - You can add a finish sounds at this slider start to follow up your next finish. Sounds very good.
  7. 00:46:960 (3) - ^ but at slider start
  8. 00:47:342 (4) - ^ at slider end.
  9. 00:48:106 (6) - I think you forgot a whistle here. The whistle rythim not consistant here.
  10. 00:51:162 (1,1) - I feel this note is overmapped. There's no rythim that you can follow at this spot. Better to delete those.
  11. 00:59:186 (4) - You forgot a whistle here again at slider end.
  12. 01:04:153 (3,3) - ^
  13. 01:20:582 (4) - Hmm,without finish at this spot, the closing of the high rythim become awkward. Add a finish please.
  14. 01:21:155- I think you can add a circle here to continue the previous beat so it can flow better.
  15. 01:24:593 (2) - Whistle at this red line really break your whistle consistencies. I suggest remove it.
  16. 01:28:693- Add another green timing section here with 5% volume to silent the spinner end.
  17. I think you should review your combo pattern Sekai. It's a bit inconsistent.
  1. Weird, offset -328 has no problem here. It seems on spot. What's going on? orz
  2. 00:40:171 (4,5) - 1/4 rythim really not fit here. Please exter slider 4 into white line then change slider 5 into circle that on 00:40:744-.
  3. 00:41:699 (3) - Whistle at slider repeat seems off. Better to remove it.
  4. 01:03:859 (1) - I think you can add a finish at this slider start to cover up cymbal sounds and create more epic feeling.
  5. 01:04:623 (3) - ^
  6. 01:15:130 (2,3,4,5) - Orz, this anti jump is really break the flow and not intuitive at all. Please consider another pattern at this spot.
  7. 01:15:894 (1,2,3,4) - ^
  8. 01:28:693- Add another green timing section here with 5% volume to silent the spinner end.
Hmm, that's all for now. To be truth, i think you need more improvement on this map before it's ready to rank.
Good luck~
Topic Starter
Thanks Miya for modding :3 but i wont change any NC because i'm following the video on this, so yeah i'm sorry for that~
00:53:161 (1) - that end of the slider.
Kawayi Rika
^That is i mean ~ still no fix slider ~
Topic Starter
Thanks tu-chan >w< updated~
I couldn't resist modding this to see how this fares compared to my really old map :P

While the hitsounds work the lack of claps and the mayor use of whistles makes them really annoying. Use claps or find some other hitsound that you could use with this song.
I didn't notice this first but pretty neat use of colourhax. I suggest you change one of the pink colours to red though, to fit with Ichigo's default hair colour.

00:14:189 (1,2) - No.. Just no. This anti-jump is just plain unacceptable for an easy. It's so big that it looks like it's 1/1 difference instead of 2/1 difference between these beats and you shouldn't try to make a newcomer confused at all in a Easy.
00:32:145 (3) - I think the easy would feel better without this circle as it don't follows the vocals in any form or a strong beat.
01:11:496 (1,2) - Having a circle on the slider end before the slider is very much not recommended to do, especially on an easy. It might look pretty but please move (1) somewhere else.

I take it that Sun Rainbow hasn't fixed this map yet considering all the glaring NC and unsnapped beats is still there even after Miya's mod so I'll won't point them out even how annoying those are.

While I wouldn't say there isn't anything mayor technical flaw with this it has another MAYOR problem! It's really dull!

It's just constant 1/1s with sliders somewhat following the lyrics with a occasional 1/2 thrown in beween two 1/1.00:48:576 (4,1,1,1,1) - , 01:04:241 (4,1) - and 01:16:849 (1,1,1,1) - are the only exceptions to this.

Quite a jump in difficulty from the pretty easy (and boring) Normal, Try to tune it down with less 1/4 and not as much constant 1/2.

00:50:869 (1,2,3) - (Suggestion) It would be really awesome if you made (2) faster and (3) even faster. It fit's right now but that would make that part be so much more awesome in this map. ;)
00:55:453 (1,2) - These just feel wrong.... these are just used at random in the chorus and kinda breaks the flow as unfitting as they are. Just make the first slider 1/4 shorter
00:58:510 (1,2) - ^
01:00:611 (1,2) - ^
01:10:736 (4,5) - ^

I admit. This is better than my old one, at least when it comes to the higher difficulty.... But that was an old map before I got the hang of mapping and it's among my worse andl I kinda expected more from a remap than this, It feels so.... meh. Insane was fun at parts but otherwise it's was pretty forgettable.
Sun Rainbow
bubble`bubble`bubble this map~~~
Sun Rainbow
Give to sekai or another people
Sorry,Sekai,I forget this GD,I am so busy in my life. :( I make mistake.I have many GD and I have to improve my Math so i don't have many time to change Mod.....Sorry plz Forgive me……Thanks
Topic Starter
that's ok Rainbow :3 dont worry about it ><

And updated easy diff~
hi sekai :3

Rainbow's Easy
00:21:067 maybe Ctrl+G
00:29:855 maybe move become this ->
01:14:557 move this slider more closer, i think like this ->

01:17:231 and 01:17:995 you can add note and use clap

00:52:779 i think you can add note in here

insane i think is good

that's all, sorry i can't mod taiko diff :(
good luck >w<
Hey, I modded a mapset of this song when I was still a beginner at modding xD

- You have inconsistent timing sections!
- I see what you did with the combo colors on your diffs. Matching them with the video was a nice touch.
- Didn't quite like how some of the sliders were constructed. They weren't that neat looking.
- The difficulty spike between Muzukashii and Oni is too much IMO.

[Rainbow's Easy]
- Lots of unsnapped notes here.
- 00:06:548 (4) - Flip this slider for better flow? Like this?
- 00:08:840 (2,3,1) - You make make these into a better triangle.
- 00:10:369 (1,2) - These don't flow that fell. May I suggest a pattern like this?
- 00:26:414 (1) - Rotate this (Ctrl+Shift+R) by 3 degrees Clockwise with Selection Center as origin.
- 00:27:561 (2) - ^ Rotate this (Ctrl+Shift+R) by 3 degrees Anti-Clockwise with Selection Center as origin.
- 00:38:260 (2) - Make this not overlap with 00:36:348 (2)?
- 01:12:260 (2) - I suggest you rework this slider. It doesn't look neat.
- 01:16:080 (4,5,1,2,3,4) - The pattern here looks messy.

- 00:04:638 (2,3) - [nazi] Not a perfect triangle.
- 00:36:350 (3,4,5) - I would suggest changing this pattern. The way it goes back on itself along with the slider pointing to the right doesn't really flow as well.
- 00:54:689 (5) - Making it point like this would make it flow better as the slider's direction is nearer the next note.
- 01:05:005 () - Sounds empty IMO. I suggest adding a repeat to the previous slider.
- 01:08:062 (1) - Remove new combo for consistency.
- 01:08:444 (2) - Add new combo. ^
- 01:21:052 (5) - Add new combo for consistency.
- 01:21:434 (1) - Remove new combo. ^

Some combos don't look as neat as they can be. For example: 00:56:218 (1,2,3,4) can be more neatly arranged into this.
- 00:03:110 (1) - Remove new combo to be consistent with 00:08:841 (6).
- 00:10:178 (9) - Place this slightly below the two sliders so the circular motion (flow) remains intact.
- 00:12:662 (4,5,6,7,8) - Streams like this don't really belong in a Hard.
- 00:24:506 (1) - Remove new combo to match the vocals.
- 00:51:251 (1) - Remove new combo. Just adjust the rest to match with the video.
- 01:00:611 (3) - Place this slightly above the two sliders so the flow doesn't get disrupted.
- 01:02:904 (5) - Same as above.
- 01:12:073 (1) - Remove new combo to match vocals.
- 01:12:264 (1) - New combo. ^

- 00:01:200 (1,2) - Blanket them properly? Would look better.
- 00:07:886 (6) - Reposition this here? It plays better.
- 00:09:987 (4) - I suggest you do something like this instead for better flow.
- 00:53:161 (1) - Add a jump here. It matches the song perfectly.

[shikyu's Taiko Muzukashii]
- Please add combo colors here telling whether it's a d or k for easier modding.
- I would suggest just making the kiai one entire section instead of splitting it.
- 00:02:346 (5,6,7,8,9) - Reverse the d's and k's here. You used k's to emphasize those offbeat parts later on.
- 00:13:426 (45) - D
- 00:50:869 (176,177) - Make these D for build-up before the kiai?
- 00:52:397 (178) - Make this a K ^
- 01:21:816 (286,287) - Switch these two.
- 01:22:771 (289) - k
- 01:25:828 (300) - k

[Boss Sweet Taiko]
- Good, but I'm not that of an adept Taiko modder.
- 00:50:869 (3,1) - I suggest adding Ds here to emphasize the coming kiai.

You need more Taiko mods.
wut, where's my diff and its bg? O.O wanna update my diff but it's not in mapset anymore :(
and bossandy disappear from tags
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